Category: sabayon
ZFS testing on Sabayon
At the time of writing, Sabayon ships the stable version of ZFS-on-Linux, 0.7.13. A new 0.8.0 release dropped a couple weeks ago, with some long-awaited features: Native ZFS encryption (including zero-knowledge send/recv support for off-site backups) SSD TRIM support Direct IO Given the major changes to the code and this is a point-zero release, Sabayon…
I’ve just uploaded my first puppet module to the forge, optiz0r-sabayon, which improves support for the Sabayon Linux distribution in puppet. This does the following things: Overrides the operatingsystem fact for Sabayon hosts Adds a provider for entropy package manager, and sets this as the default for Sabayon Adds a shim service provider, that marks systemd as the…